Date of last change: 18-09-2009

We have put up this site to share with our friends a little bit about ourselves. Fotos from our holidays, some special events and of course our various (smaller or bigger) collections...


This year, let's try to do a bit better... Last year we did the living room renovation, for this year the plan is to squeeze in Bedroom and hallway (= part Smurfroom) renovation. And we have been to Smurffair as sellers for first time, and will do that at least twice more this year..





We have been busy..with all kind of things: Smurfs, our house, the house in Wijdenes from Ron's dad, Ron's father Fred, trips to Romania & Italy... but obviously not so much with updating our site...


In january we had a cold month with snow, and we were able to take some nice pictures.
In january Aly's mom Nutzi visited us,see Photo's 2009 for a short impression, as well for pictures of a dutch carnaval parade in Didam.
We have been to Romania again, for vacation, family visit and Wouter & Cosmina's mariage!
Some pictures already in the "Other Pics" - Romania section (see the revised menu).

Our collection of Smurfs got a renewed look with extra index pagina's to navigate through the pages.
NEW NEW NEW Those who know Aly know as well she is a Givenchy fan, so here is her Givenchy Collection (and wish list). See the new "Perfumes" section.
And where is your contribution te the guest book?


Since september 2007 we have a little kitten: She is called "Dorien" and now we can also show you some pictures!
2008 is the year that the Smurfs celebrated their 50th birthday.
Our collection of normal and super Schleich Smurfs is allmost complete, and also in the other categrories we now have a very nice collection.
The celebration of 50 years of Smurfs together with Unicef (EuroTour) and dutch supermarket Albert Heijn's smurfsaction is of cours depicted in the smurfs section!

Our trip together with Ron's working collegues is seen in our Texel trip. Soon we will be listing pictures of our summer vacation in Romania (of cours) and the visit from Aly's friend Mariana.


See our pictures of our trips to Cologne and Romania, and visit from Dan en Maria to us...


The most important event in 2006:  we've got married !
On 21st of July took place the civil marriage at the cityhall of Rozendaal,
followed by the church wedding on August 20 in Bucharest!

Both events and parties were unforgettable and they will stay forever in our hearts!

We'll keep you informed...


... Now finally all the papers are set!

End of february Ron travelled alone to Romania, but was happy to take Aly with him to the Netherlands!

Welcome to the Netherlands my love!
In the Summer of 2005 we went for a 2 weeks on a holliday trip : Romania, Italy and back to the Netherlands. So there are here some nice pics from that trip, followed by a few other series...look around!
October 13 2005 it was exactly 2 years since we know eachother.


Aly came as my girlfriend on 29 may 2004 to the Netherlands for a very nice summer together, and we've been on a holiday trip to her sister, living close to Rome...
On 15 august 2004 Aly had to go back... :(
... but that I went there again on 23 December 2004 to celebrate Christmas and New Year's eve 2005 together...

Ron  in Arnhem (Hoogte 80) -  Aly in Italy

The Weather:
in Arnhem
in Bucharest